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Curated content by the Ciao Smiles team.
To Sleep or Not to Sleep
Sleep, especially for children, is very important. Here are some tips you can use to help your child get a good night's sleep.
When to Consider an Orthodontic Consultation for Growing Kids
When parents ask me when they should get an orthodontic consultation for their child, I now say as soon as the baby is born.
Snacks That Promote Healthy Oral Development
Like most kids, my son and daughter love cookies, muffins, and other sugary treats. However, as a mom and kids’ dentist, I try to avoid these treat snacks to minimize tooth decay.
“Healthy Snacks” That Cause Cavities
There are snacks that are actually a treat but are disguised as healthy snacks. It’s these treat-snacks eaten on a daily basis that can lead to cavities.
Resilience: The Birth of Ciao Smiles
The birth of Ciao Smiles is a true labor of love: love for our growing children and caring for their unique needs.