“Anything that comes from a package is not the best to consume. If you have to open a plastic bag with preservatives, sugars, or processed oils, think twice.”
Instead, I try to find healthy snacks that help with oral development to pack for them as an alternative. Here are some of the snack options that I like to pack for my kids.
Healthy Snack Alternatives
Fresh fruit currently in season: My daughter loves eating fruit. Right now, that includes a lot of berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), figs, grapes, melons, nectarines, peaches, pears, and watermelons.
Cheese: We often rotate through various kinds of cheese (Gouda and Jarlsberg are our current favorites) throughout the year. I like to give my kids cheese, especially after eating high carbohydrate treats, since cheese stimulates saliva flow and has a high calcium/phosphorus content. It also has a high fat-soluble vitamin content and probiotic bacteria to help strengthen the oral environment.
Meat or fish jerky: Meat and fish jerky is another convenient prepackaged snack that is high in protein and minerals that help build strong teeth, bones, and muscle. Eating jerky also stimulates and exercises the muscles and bones of the jaw.
We are thankful to live in an area with many great options for fresh organic produce and healthy snacks. I always tell my patients at CIAO SMILES: that anything that comes from a package is not the best to consume. If you have to open a plastic bag with preservatives, sugars, or processed oils, think twice.
Now the days will get shorter, and a time for transition will happen. From the end of August to October, our kids’ bodies need to prepare for the winter months. In the next newsletter, we will talk about how to strengthen the immune system and strategies to adapt to the winter season… Stay tuned!
We grow thriving and resilient children through CIAO Smiles,
Dr. Nakako Uritani